Maryland IAF Kicks Off Week of Action on Kirwan Education Funding

What is Kirwan?

Maryland is fighting to lead the country by giving public schools the resources they need! The Kirwan Commission is set to issue a once-in-a-generation plan for fully funding schools – a $3 BILLION increase across the state if it passes and gets funded in the 2019 legislative session.

The Maryland Industrial Areas Foundation (MD-IAF) [People Acting Together in Howard (PATH), Action in Montgomery (AIM), and Baltimoreans United In Leadership Development (BUILD)] are working together to fight for all of Maryland’s children to get the high quality education they deserve.

Week of Action

Monday May 7

MD IAF Week of Action kicked off with 65 BUILD leaders at “Truth 101″ with Baltimore City Public Schools Chief of Staff Alison Perkins-Cohen. Leaders and Ms. Perkins-Cohen set the record straight on the truth behind Baltimore City’s funding, and made sure every person in the room could go back to their schools, neighborhoods, and houses of faith to become truth-tellers about Baltimore City School Funding.

Tuesday May 8

City College hosted Sen. Joan Carter Conway and Dels. Maggie McIntosh and Mary Washington. Over 90 students, community leaders, and staff came out from 9:00am-10:00am and heard stories from the City College community, including:

  • A touching welcome and framing by City College Principal Ms. Harcum
  • A beautiful performance from the City College Choir followed by the Dean of Academics, Seth Hedderick, sharing the lack of arts funding available for students.
  • And commitments from all three elected officials on ALL of MD IAF’s ask

PATH also hosted legislators and candidates this morning at the First Baptist Church of Guilford, where Rev. Paige Getty and host Rev. Tyrone Jones taught about the Kirwan Commission and its importance. Maryland State Education Association (MSEA) Statewide Organizer Dan Chambers spoke to the group about the work that the Educators Association is doing on Kirwan. Elected officials and candidates made their commitments to PATH leaders.

Check back soon for more updates!