BUILD is governed by a Clergy/Leader Team comprised of the heads of its member institutions. The Clergy/Leader Team is responsible for setting the direction of BUILD based on issues ratified by the membership, proposing strategy for campaigns, and overseeing the organization’s budget and assisting in fundraising.
BUILD has four co-chairs:
- Rev. George Hopkins
- Leslie McMillan, Zion Baptist Church
- Fr. Joe Muth, Notre Dame
- Elizabeth Reichelt, Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church
Strategy Team
BUILD’s Strategy Team is composed of key clergy and lay leaders of member institutions who work with BUILD organizers to act on proposed strategy and guide BUILD’s campaigns.
- Shada Allen, Koinonia Baptist Church
- Rev. Andrew Connors, Pastor, Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church
- Bishop Kevin Daniels, Pastor, St. Martin’s Church
- Rev. Cristina Paglinauan, Church of the Redeemer, secretary of BUILD
- Jo Anne Stanton, St. Matthew Catholic Church
- Melissa Zieve, Bolton Street Synagogue
BUILD staff includes professional and project organizers who organize in Baltimore’s communities by building relationships and developing leaders. The primary responsibility of organizers is to identify leaders with an appetite for public action and teach them the skills for results-oriented public work.
BUILD’s Lead Organizer is recommended by BUILD’s national organization, the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF). The Lead Organizer is responsible for hiring and developing staff in consultation with BUILD’s Strategy Team.
BUILD’s Lead Organizer is Frank McMillan.
BUILD’s Associate Organizers are Marquis Howard and Sameka Turner.
If you are interested in becoming an Organizer with BUILD, please see Become an Organizer.
If you would like more information, please contact Justine Abel, Administrator, 443-488-4396.