BUILD turned out 436 people from most member institutions to an action on November 21 to demand that Mayor Young increase the school budget by $25-30M this year, $90M next year, and work with us towards the $330M needed to leverage well over $1B from state money.
Rev Foster Connors (clergy co-chair) and Rev Michael Martin of new member institution Stillmeadow Community of Faith co-chaired the action. Pastor George Hopkins led the action with framing and pinning the Mayor. BUILD leader Elizabeth Reichelt laid out the politics and put tension on Mayor Young. As a result, BUILD won $120M over the next 2 years in increased educational funding. Father Bruce Lewandowski of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church closed the evening with a call to action: “The last shall be first, our children.” This down-payment of an additional $90M will help us argue for Kirwan and to keep the deal, we must organize people to go to Annapolis and hold all elected officials accountable.
Press Coverage
Baltimore Sun: City Prepares to Fund Statewide Plan
WMAR News Channel 2: City will provide schools with additional funding for upcoming school year