BUILD Secures Commitment from Mayor Young for school funding increase

BUILD turned out 436 people from most member institutions to an action on November 21 to demand that Mayor Young increase the school budget by $25-30M this year, $90M next year, and work with us towards the $330M needed to leverage well over $1B from state money.

Rev Foster Connors (clergy co-chair) and Rev Michael Martin of new member institution Stillmeadow Community of Faith co-chaired the action. Pastor George Hopkins led the action with framing and pinning the Mayor. BUILD leader Elizabeth Reichelt laid out the politics and put tension on Mayor Young. As a result, BUILD won $120M over the next 2 years in increased educational funding. Father Bruce Lewandowski of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church closed the evening with a call to action: “The last shall be first, our children.” This down-payment of an additional $90M will help us argue for Kirwan and to keep the deal, we must organize people to go to Annapolis and hold all elected officials accountable.

Pictured from overflow room, 436 people turn out for action

Press Coverage

Baltimore Sun: City Prepares to Fund Statewide Plan

WMAR News Channel 2: City will provide schools with additional funding for upcoming school year
