BUILD is looking for full time organizers for work in Greater Baltimore. Organizers will work with BUILD current and potential member institutions with supervision from the BUILD Lead Organizer.
There are some qualities that many successful organizers share:
1. NATIVE INTELLIGENCE – not necessarily degrees, but the ability to think, reflect, communicate, challenge the conventional wisdom, make judgments in complicated situations, and show flexibility.
2. ANGER AND EDGE – not temper, not ideological fervor, not an abstract commitment to “the people,” but a clear sense of what’s wrong, impatience in the face of that wrong, and a drive to address it.
4. RELATIONALITY, ESPECIALLY ACROSS RACE AND CULTURE – ability to build deep trust with people, especially people unlike oneself, people of other races, classes, orientations, faiths, etc. BUILD is a powerful force for change, creating justice and opportunity in Baltimore by uniting our faith communities and civic partners across lines of race, class, and religion.
5. A TRACK RECORD – some evidence, in high school, college, the local community or the workplace of attempting to relate to people and to respond to situations that seemed to demand responses; and some success in whatever field, career or endeavor has occupied the individual’s time.
Career Opportunities
Please see more detail on this posting.
We are actively looking for candidates who speak Spanish.
Send cover letter, resume to To learn more about how we think about organizing and our work, read Going Public by Michael Gecan.